Parishioners at Holy Cross + Santa Cruz take seriously their obligation to place their time, talent and treasure at the service of the church and its mission in the community, and are faithful about returning a portion of the gifts that they have received, as they are able, to the Lord who has generously gifted them.
Stewardship at Holy Cross + Santa Cruz is a year-round activity. Parishioners are invited to reflect upon and pray about the nature of their giving in terms of time, talent, and treasure, that we might further the spread of the Kingdom of God and continue to be an effective witness within the parish and in the wider community.
Recently the Vestry and clergy of Holy Cross + Santa Cruz made the following public commitment to faithful stewardship:
As members of the Vestry and clergy of Holy Cross + Santa Cruz Church, we commit ourselves to be good stewards of God’s gifts and love. As leaders of the parish we strive to develop among all our members a passionate desire to return to God a portion of His countless blessings.
We acknowledge the priceless gift of the Gospel and accept our responsibility of being good stewards of that gift.
We acknowledge the need for all Christians to give sacrificially of their time, talent and treasure for the glory of God, the building up of His church, and in joy-filled service to the community and the world.