Care of the Homebound
This important ministry is provided by both clergy and lay members of the parish. All of our homebound brothers and sisters receive a pastoral call once or twice a month.
Holy Cross + Santa Cruz Thrift Shop
We provide essential clothing and household goods at little or no cost, based on the level of perceived need. The prices are set to serve those who manage their lives on a limited budget. In situations of dire need, no money is necessary to shop. The Thrift Shop runs on Saturdays, 9am-1pm. It also runs on Wednesday afternoons, 3-7pm. We will be following local and federal guidelines regarding coronavirus precautions and safety. Please see ongoing updates here:
Ulster Immigrant Defense Network
The Ulster Immigrant Defense Network is a coalition formed by local faith communities and concerned residents to provide a network of safety and support for our immigrant friends and neighbors, who are valued members of our communities. Please visit to learn more.
Kingston Interfaith Council
Holy Cross + Santa Cruz is honored to be a member of the Kingston Interfaith Council, a coalition representing more than 20 faith communities, dedicated to working together to advance justice and administer charity in the community. The KIC advocates for social and political initiatives for the sake of the common good and sponsors educational seminars and forums to raise consciousness within the community about issues of concern.
Holy Cross + Santa Cruz Twelve Step Programs
The parish hosts several weekly meetings to support recovery from addiction and other dependencies. We consider it a privilege to support the miracle at work in so many in the community who put out the effort to reclaim their lives in response to God’s grace. Due to COVID-19, meetings may have been suspended at this location. Please contact your local meeting leader for more information.
Sister Parish and Community in Gitega, Burundi
Holy Cross + Santa Cruz is has established a sister church relationship with our brothers and sisters in the Gitega Community in Burundi. Join us in praying for them and their ongoing successes in their community: including water wells and latrines, new church buildings, new clergy, and increasing literacy for women.