Music Ministry at Holy Cross + Santa Cruz
Music is an integral part of our common life. It is among the most joyful offerings we give to God — every Sunday, at parish events, and in special worship services. We believe, as St. Benedict observed, that to sing is to pray twice. Music and song allow our spirits to soar and enables us to articulate beyond words our feelings of jubilation or yearning, of praise and wonder. Music helps us to connect with the Holy Spirit in a very direct and personal way and it creates opportunities for shared experiences.
Holy Cross + Santa Cruz Choir
The choir at Holy Cross + Santa Cruz exists to serve the Liturgy. It is always looking to magnify its voice. Reading music is not necessary. A willing spirit is!
Ministers of Music
Ana Hernández and Reggie Earls
Ana Hernández
Ana Hernández is a composer/arranger, song leader, activist, and facilitator creating tunes to help us to be present as we build loving and just communities across cultural differences. Her focus is on racial justice as deep inner work, while her activism is grounded in contemplative practice and presence. She also teaches chanting as a spiritual practice.
The holy act of singing together is for absolutely everybody, and shapes faith, heals brokenness, transforms lives, and renews peace.
Ana collects, composes, and records chants and short songs, and is a theomusicologist with the NYS Poor People’s Campaign. She is a member of The Hymn Society, has been staff for Music That Makes Community, and served on the Standing Commission for Liturgy and music (2012-2018) during which time she co-edited the Book of Occasional Services 2018.
She’s the author of The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice, has produced and recorded nine albums (two with girls choirs!), and is published in many hymnals. She can be heard on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube (as Ana Hernandez, AnaHerMusic, HARC, Eternal Spirit, and The Miserable Offenders). Info:
Ana Hernández es compositora/arreglista, líder de canciones, activista y facilitadora que crea melodías para ayudarnos a estar presentes mientras construimos comunidades amorosas y justas a través de las diferencias culturales. Su enfoque está en la justicia racial como un trabajo interior profundo, mientras que su activismo se basa en la práctica contemplativa y la presencia. También enseña el canto como práctica espiritual.
El acto sagrado de cantar juntos es absolutamente para todos y da forma a la fe, sana el quebrantamiento, transforma vidas y renueva la paz.
Ana colecciona, compone y graba cánticos y canciones cortas, y es teomusicóloga de la Campaña de los Pobres del Estado Nueva York. Es miembro de The Hymn Society, ha sido parte del personal de Music that Makes Community, y sirvió en la Comisión Permanente de Liturgia y Música (2012-2018), tiempo durante el cual coeditó el Libro de Servicios Ocasionales 2018.
Es la autora de The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice (SkylightPaths/Turner), ha grabado nueve álbumes (¡dos con coros de niñas!). Sus canciones y cánticos se publican en numerosos himnarios y se la puede escuchar en Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify y SoundCloud (busque Ana Hernandez, AnaHerMusic, HARC (con Ruth Cunningham) Eternal Spirit con Sr. Helena Marie, CHS ) y The Miserable Offenders. Para más información:
Reggie Earls
Bio coming soon.